RIMS NepalDevelopment Through Resource Management
Established in 2001 as not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation by development professionals, formerly working for United Mission to Nepal, Resource Identification and Management Society Nepal (RIMS-Nepal) works in Nepal for livelihood of the poor and marginalised community; climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DDR); energy, health and sanitation; agriculture and food security; and bio-diversity conservation and ecosystem management. RIMS-Nepal aims at enhancing well-being of impact groups by managing resources, building capacity, promoting social justice and developing multi stakeholder partnership. RIMS-Nepal envisions enhancing the well-being of impact groups by managing resources, building capacity, promoting social justice and developing multi-stakeholder partnership. With its headquarter located at Bairani, Dhading, it covers much of the Terai, Hill and Mountain eco-regions of Nepal.
Vacancy / Tender
सुचिकृत हुने सम्बन्धी सुचना
Resource Identification & Management Society-Nepal