Social mobilization, capacity development of community based organization, women empowerment, and social accountability and transparency in local organizations including Local Governments are also demanding theme of RIMS- Nepal. RIMS-Nepal has planned to work with Local governments to strengthen social accountability towards the service receiver and tax payers. Citizen engagement in local governance will be embedded in RIMS-Nepal’s programming or designed and implemented projects on the theme of local governance which contributes to increase better access of poor and marginalized including women, Dalits, youths, children in the services of local governments. Similarly, RIMS-Nepal will contribute to the capacity development of women, farmers, youths and organizations through its training enter and professionals. To empower and build the capacity of communities, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to improve the access of resources including local governments resources RIMS-Nepal will intervene through Social mobilization, Use of social accountability tools, advocacy and awareness on local government’s services, citizen participation in local planning process etc.