The weak geology coupled with monsoon dominated climate and weak infrastructure development make disaster event a yearly recurring event in Nepal. Disaster risk reduction related actions in disaster-prone areas will be designed and implemented for preventing flood, minimizing loss from Earthquake, fire, landslide, SHEET LAHARI (cold wave) and thunder related loss. RIMS Nepal has gained experience in various DRR dimensions mainly in WASH, Livelihood, Agriculture, DRR/CCA, GESI, Governance, Reconstruction, Relief and Response during Nepal Earthquake in 2015. RIMS-Nepal is already established as an institution to deal with any form of disaster in the near future. In case of an emergency outbreak, the government interventions will be supported by the various development and humanitarian actors to support in the humanitarian context. RIMS-Nepal will work on preparedness, relief, response and recovery stages of the disaster. RIMS-Nepal has developed an organizational contingency plan in order to work in preparedness and response to disasters. The DRR related activities mainly focused in Dhading districts but will work to the mainstream in the projects implemented other districts as well with other thematic areas like livelihood, WASH, biodiversity conservation etc.
In order to contribute for preparedness, relief, response and rehabilitation of disaster risks in the communities RIMS-Nepal is intervening dollowing key activities: Preparedness activities such aa support to prepare local preparedness plan, awareness, capacity development of stakeholders, disaster response, recovery and rehabilitation and mainstreaming DRM in development projects.