Organizational Structure

The highest authority of RIMS is Annual General Assembly (AGM) composed of the general members of the organisation, which provides the policy directions, approves plans, budgets and programmes. AGM elects a seven-member Executive Committee (EC), termed also as Board, once in two years.
The main responsibility of the EC is to act on behalf of general assembly and ensures the efficient and effective function of the organisation. EC appoints an Executive Director (ED) and monitor his/her work. The EC is also involved in staff recruitment in order to ensure the reflection of organisational policies in terms of work force diversity and gender.
Day to day functions of RIMS-Nepal is executed by the Management Committee (MC) headed by ED and a team composed of Programme manager, Finance and Administrative Manager, and Programme Coordinators. The ED, in consultation with the management committee, is responsible for hiring members of staff, preparing and implementing plan, managing plans, monitoring and evaluation and networking with other organisations.
RIMS-Nepal is committed to transparency, accountability, and protection of vulnerable groups; and implements gender equality and inclusiveness of marginal groups in organisational matters, programme planning and outreach.
RIMS-Nepal follows country’s rules and law. The organisational activities are governed by its own constitution, guidelines and policies. Its financial and administrative rules are governed by its policies. Additionally, a three-member Financial Management Committee constituted by AGM monitors the financial status of the organisation and provides feedback to the MC.