Nepal is one of the most vulnerable countries to impact of climate change owing to its weak economic status, geographical condition and technology backlash. Climate change is directly impacting forestry and agriculture sectors that provides livelihood supports to more than 60% of the population. Due to the prevalence of the traditional and rudimentary farming system, climate change has caused severe agricultural loss and added an extra challenge to the already stagnant economic status of the rural communities. RIMS-Nepal is thus implementing climate change adaptation related programmes in the communities to develop their resilient to subtle changes so as to buffer its impact. On the other hand, it is up-most important task to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases through promotion of renewal energy; however, this needs a conjoint effort worldwide. We have experience in conducting programs/activities of similar nature in the past and will continue them in the coming time too. In this regards, the programme has considered following strategic areas of interventions with aim to increase adaptive capacity and resilience of the vulnerable communities to climate change, mitigate the effect of climate change:
Climate SMART agriculture technologies
Alternative energy technologies (ICS, Biogas, solar etc) for reduce emission
Climate change mitigation through afforestation, reforestation and land
Develop and implement climate change adaptation plan