RIMS-Nepal pursues documentation of the learning and dissemination of its field experiences. It will develop professional human resources through training for programme management and institutional building as well as strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of the programme/projects. All these efforts contribute to institutional growth and sustainability. Capacity development of impact groups will be always priority in the projects. Full cycle of capacity development i.e. Need Identification and Assessment, Course design, Delivery and follow up. Similarly, documentation, knowledge management and capacity building for wider impact, the cross-cutting theme will carry out the following functions:
▪ Data generation, analysis, packaging, and dissemination of RIMS experiences as knowledge products.
▪ Develop a knowledge dissemination system in a professional manner.
▪ Develop competitive human resources through training for fund generation and effective service delivery and
▪ Promote effective monitoring and evaluation of project activities and feeding the inputs for the project improvement.
Transparency and Accountability
Transparency and accountability will be taken as a cross cutting theme in all programmes and projects of RIMS-Nepal. Different transparency and accountability promotion tools in right to information, transparency, transparent and participatory local planning and public services procurement and monitoring will be applied to make efficient and effective governance in its own institution and local governments in its project area.
RIMS-Nepal will pay special attention while designing the programme/projects and address the needs of women and disadvantaged groups and ensure workforce diversity through policy in workplace. RIMS-Nepal belief that proper inclusion of women and disadvantaged and minority group representation in work force generates synergy, creativity, sensitivity and enhance team spirit for the integrity in the organization. It will increase trust and acceptance by the community and stakeholders to do better jobs and increase organizational image. The positive discrimination approach for gender equity and social inclusion will be adapted in program design and implementation level. The gender equity and social inclusion cross-cutting theme expected to enhance the followings:▪ Facilitate gender and ethnic diversity in the workforce (board, staff) through affirmative action.
▪ Encourage to develop an inclusive programme/project from the beginning.
▪ Build the capacity of board and staff and those reflected in target groups to make an inclusive environment for meaningful participation and to ensure benefits for women and disadvantaged groups.
▪ Maintaining disaggregated data of projects.
Under this cross-cutting theme, RIMS-Nepal will advocate with the likeminded organizations to develop GESI friendly policies by the governments especially in strategic programmatic areas of RIMS-Nepal through collaboration and advocacy maximizing the benefits to women and children and other excluded groups contributing for creating GESI friendly society where there is no discrimination in term of sex, caste, remoteness, richer and poor.