SN | Name of the project | Donor/Partners | Duration | Project Area (districts) | Key achievements |
1. | Multi-Stakeholder
Forestry Programme (MSFP) |
GoN, Govt Of Finland, SDC, DFID/UKAid
1 March 2013-
15 July 2016
Rupandehi and Kapilbastu
742 ha. of Public and community forest land is
afforested. 471 ha. Leasehold forest land is planted with Amriso. Altogether 51 LAPAs and 45 CAPs have been prepared. Similarly, 24 LAPAs and CAPs have been reviewed. Provided financial support on the implementation of some of the activities of 61 LAPAs and 59 CAPs. 12362 families received supports in different income generation activities. 2202 individuals received job from 50 forest based enterprises.
Humanitarian Assistant
Programme (ECHO)
EU, ADRA Germany,
ADRA Nepal
May 2015
Dhading (11
Assessed and responded the emergency needs of 63,640
households in the eleven VDCs of Dhadhing district affected by the earthquake.
Strengthening Smallholder Enterprise in Kewalpur VDC | HEIFER International
2013 – 2016
Improved livelihood of 12,220 smallholder rural families
through agro-livestock based value chain enterprise development in Dhading.
4 | Governance and
Livelihoods Programme (GOAL)
ADRA Australia,
ADRA Nepal
25 VDCs of Dhading
Capacitated 225 Ward Citizen forums in leadership,
proposal writing to access fund for the development plan implementation. Improved governance and leadership of the ward citizen forums
5 | Nepal Earthquake
Emergency Response Programme (NEER)
DRA New Zealand,
ADRA Nepal
(5 VDCs’)
Facilitated 2,380 earthquake -affected households to
return to their normal condition and provide adequate security in social structures ,food and nutrition needs.
6 | Agro Biodiversity
Conservation (ABC) |
UNDP, GEF, SGP | Feb2012-
Jul2013 |
Benighat, Dhusa
And Jogimara VDCs of Dhading |
Conserved traditional food and culture of of indigenous Chepang communities. Improved land Use systems through reducing shifting cultivation promoting SALT. Established a cooperative for market linkage of traditional food and improved livelihoods. Benefited
population of 2,500 individuals of two VDCs. |
7 | Leadership
And Good Governance Phase II |
Governance Phase II | Jan2011-Dec
2013 |
25 VDC of
Dhading |
225 Ward citizen forums of 25VDCs were capacitated to
develop their need based plan. They were able to access funding required to implement the plan in collaboration with VDC and DDC and other development agencies. Total Beneficiaries – 33750 individuals |
8 | Bhaktapur Livelihood
Project (BLP) |
World Vision International-Nepal | Jul2009-
Sept2013 |
District |
Provided vocational trainings to marginalised people &
enhanced agricultural technique to uplift the livelihood of 500+ farmers of Bhaktapur. |
9 | RIMS Community
Development Project (RCDP) |
HEIFER International | July2010-
Dec2012 |
5 VDCs
in Dhading |
Identified & managed available resources & knowledge to raise the economic status and increased livelihood
security of the poor & marginalised communities and increment in their income generation opportunities and enhanced food security through buffalo and goat farming. Beneficiaries – 703 HHs |
10 | Livestock for Income
Generation |
International-Nepal |
Oct2008- March2012 | 5 VDCs of
Dhading |
Improved livelhoood of poor and marganilized 579 HHs
through agriculture, goat and buffalow farming |
11 | Local Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA): Scoping and Pilot Study | DFID, CADP-N | June2010-Jan
2011 |
Dhading | Assessed and recommended tools and methodology for
identifying vulnerable communities and household and develop local planning process to intregrate climate adaptation into development plan in 3 VDCs(Tasanpur VDC ,Jogimara VDC and Jeevanpur VDC) in dhading district. Beneficiaries – 200 HHs |
12 | Assessment of Climate
Change Impacts |
WWF – Nepal | October 2009-
12/1/2009 |
Dhading | Conducted participatory learning process with local
communities to assess vulnerability and response to climate change impact and identify various adaptation options across three different sites of Rapti valley. |
13 | Building
Resilience of Farmers From Climate Change |
WWF – Nepal | Feb 2010-Jun 2010 | Ramche and
Bhorle VDCs of Rasuwa |
Carried out detailed agricultural assessment from climate perspective and identify alternative crops diversification options and supported farmers to increase their understanding and capacity to monitor the changes in forming practices across the Bhorle and Ramche VDCs of Rasuwa district. |
14 | Integrating Population and Health Into Forest
Management Agenda in Nepal (PHE) |
USAID, ADRA Nepal | Oct 2006-
Sept2008 |
Dhading | Users of 30 CFUGs were aware on public health,
sanitation and environment. Distribute kits related to reproductively health and contraceptive. Beneficiaries |
15 | Strengthened Actions for Governance in Utilization of Natural Resources (SAGUN) | USAID, WWF-Nepal,
Sept2008 |
50 VDCs, Dhading | Enhanced and diversified livelihood of marginalised
people, conserved and managed biodiversity by reducing threats to biologically significant areas through strengthened people-centered approach. |
16 | Health and Sanitation | Germany Embassy | 2006-2007 | Dhading | 400 HHs awarded on public health and sanitation |
17 | Resin Tapping Programme | USAID, MoFSC, DoF
Dhading |
2005-2006 | Dhading | Trained 120 individuals in resign tapping of 31 CFUGs
and linked market |
18 | Dhading Environment
Protection (DEP) Programme |
Uniting Protestant
Churches in the Netherlands (UPCN) |
2003-2004 | Dhading | Sensitized communities on impact of climate change;
supported in adaptation activities such as plantation, income generation activities |
19 | Community
Forestry Management Programme |
USAID, FECOFUN | June 2002 to 10/1/2002 | Dhading | Improved governance of CFUGs, supported in developing
opeartional plan, handovered government magaged forest land to communities as CFUGs. |
20 | Promoting Agriculture Health and Alternative Livelihood (PAHAL) | USAID/ Mercy Corps
Darchula, Bajhang Bajura, Baitadi, Dadeldhura, Doti, Achham | Focused on agriculture component for livelihoods, worked on DRR, Nutrition, Irrigation, NRM Marketing, Financial services, Increases production through Lead farmers approach and Private sector. Reachedd to more than 100,000 HHs. RIMS-Nepals was accountable to provide technical support to the project ensuring quality if agriculture related capacity development, technologies and services. |
Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disaster (ANUKULAN)
Bardiya, Kanchapur, Kailali, Surkhet, Doti, Dadeldhura
Focused on Climate Change Adaptation, DRR, Nutrition, MUS, Solar Pump, MPC, Collection center, encouraged private sector through CBF approach.
Total beneficiaries were 90,000 HHs in 6 districts
Restoring Food and Nutrition Security and Building Resilient Livelihoods in Earthquake Affected Areas (PRRO) | WFP/WHH | 15 Dec. 2016 -31 Dec. 2019 | Dhading (Rubi Valley RM) | Implementation through Resource farmers and Users Committee for food and nutrition security.Food for work and cash for work approach applied.
Worked on irrigation, trail, DWS, Birthing centre, Kitchen garden. Reached to more than 8189 HHs |
24 | Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Action in Nepal (SWASTHA Nepal) | CARE-Nepal/ DFAT D | Dec 2017- Feb 2019 | Dhading | The project supported to construct 19 drinking water schemes, trainings, support for Open Defecation Free (ODF) zone in GangaJamuna RM, toilet construction, BCC sessons, menstural hygiene etc. Project reached to 24308 HH.
25 | Food Security Enhancement and Agricultural Resilience of Earthquake- Affected Rural Nepalese Farmers (FOSTER) | ADRA Nepal/ Canadian Food Grain Bank | April 2017- March 2020 | Dhading (Dhunibesi, Galchhi, Thakre, Gajuri) | Focused on food and nutritional security of rural poor farmers in Dhading. Project formed nad mobilized 85 Farmers’ group and reach to 1864 members (1341 female) and their households. Project provided support through formation and mobilization of farmers’ group, providing training, developing leader farmers, IPM, post harvest, composting, technologies (improved verity selection, Gummoose, Plastic mulching, Plastic house, MUS, water collection pond etc.), VAHW training, goad raising, farmers Market School (FMS) etc. |
26 | Agricultural Recovery of Earthquake Affected Households (AREA) | ADRA Nepal/ Swiss Solidarity | Oct 2017- Dec 2018 | Dhading | Focused on food and nutritional security of earthquake affected communities in Dhading. Agriculture based training, technologies, training and material support. |
27 | Economic Recovery Programme | USAID/DAI- TAYAR Nepal | 15thSept. 2020- 21stJan. 2021 | Dhading | To support the municipality to prepare for the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis mobilizing finance and resource in addressing urgent recovery needs. |
28 | Disaster Resilience Education and Safe School(DRESS) | ADRA Switzerland/ ADRA Nepal | 1st July 2017- 14th May 2018 | Dhading | School building construction in Karki Dhadas, Dhading. |