Health and sanitation promotion are key priorities of urban as well as rural development. Although, the present health and sanitation situation is more or less in a progressive state, however there is still room for improvement especially in the rural areas of Nepal. Community health especially reproductive health, safe motherhood and nutrition related under health component and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) related activities will be implemented. RIMS-Nepal has already gained experience working in health and WASH related activities which will be expanded according to the local obligation and situation assessment It will contribute to GoN “Sanit sanitation access facilities for all. In this regards, the programme has considered following strategic areas of interventions with an aim to increasing access of deprived marginalized community women and children to basic health services, nutritional education and safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
Promotion of reproductive health and safe motherhood
Promotion of sanitation and hygiene
Promotion of safe drinking water system