Food security, livelihoods and economic development

   Climate change has largely threatened food security situation in Nepal mainly because more than 65% of the population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. Nepal has been importing large quantity of agriculture products annually, imparting negative consequences in Nation’s economy. Two underlining causes of poor performance of agriculture sector are identified as – low production and productivity. Moreover subsistence nature of agricultural practice is attributing to poor production system. Despite of the fact that agriculture sector has potential to ensure the food security, enhance economic and improve livelihoods of the people, very little has been achieved. It is thus necessary to maximize the agriculture production potentials and increase the accessibility of poor and marginalized people to the produce. This can be done by improving policies, service delivery and technology transfer. In this regards, the RIMS-Nepal has considered following strategic interventions with an aim to increase the access of the impact groups on food, enhance their economic condition and improve their overall livelihoods condition. These strategies include promoting High Value Crops (HVC) and commercial farming, Small scale irrigation (rain water, paddle pump, sprinkle, drip, and pond), Home gardening, River bed farming, Livestock, poultry, fishery and beekeeping, Introduction of high yielding varieties, Market information System and Technology transfer.