Durga Neupane

Durga Neupane : Changed herself, her family and community, changing by hygiene behavior

Durga Neupane is 48 years old lady. She is resident of Gangajamuna-6, Baeri. She is single women. Her husband had gone to heaven 12 years ago. She is living with her youngest son. She can be considered as single women since she is responsible person for the economy of the family. Due to her busy schedule and lack of knowledge on sanitation and its impact on health, the surrounding around her house was not cleaned.

With the financial support of GAC, RIMS-Nepal & Care-Nepal started a program related to WASH so that they could follow 6 hygiene messages, changing hygiene behavior & be aware of the consequences of following unhygienic habits. The volunteers named CHV’s were appointed by the program and different session of BCC (Behavior Change Communication) were organize using PHAST tools, Door to door visit program were launched in order to know the hygienic practices they have been following. Tole WASH-CC were formed. With the motto of “Ek Ghar, Ek Charpi”, volunteer taught them to defecate in latrines. They were aware of the diseases that are caused due to open defecation and were taught to maintain sanitation with different WASH orientation classes.

After the different awareness activities, change in their behavior was observed. They were now managing the waste, open defecation is totally out of practice, there is separate slippers in every latrines, hand washing after use of latrine & before cooking is practiced, cooked food is now well covered, water is now filtered before drinking purposes, waste water is being well utilized in fields. Even they made a rules of fining penalty to the ones who do not participate in hygiene activates and use that amount to buy dustbins and place them near the roads. Drastic change in the village can be seen in WASH field & have been an ideal village to others. Now she manages the household waste, open defecation is totally out of practice, there is separate slippers in every latrines, hand washing after use of latrine & before cooking is being practice, cooked food is now well covered, water is now filtered before drinking , waste water is being well utilized in fields. She conveys her thanks to the ones that launched these sorts of programs in that village and also suggest to bring such programs in near future too. So every people like her gets aware of the consequences of following unhygienic behavior.

She proudly said “Now, I feel very much indebted for I got the opportunity to understand about the importance of improved sanitation and hygiene practices by participating in WASH programs conducted by Care/RIMS time to time.”

During initial construction stage of Mathillo Baseri DWS

After construction of Mathillo Baseri DWS