RIMS Nepal has gained wider recognition in the field of climate change adaptation, and disaster risk reduction through its completed projects and outstanding outcomes in the communities. RIMS Nepal recognizes that the poor, women and marginalized communities are the most vulnerable to climate change and its associated impacts. RIMS Nepal acknowledges that, high dependency of the people on forests resource for energy and infrastructure has led to deforestation and forest degradation.
Nepal being mountainous country and situated in active monsoon covered area, climate induced disasters, such as flood, landslides and inundation are very common. Similarly, Nepal is positioned in active seismic zone and is under threat of earthquake. Unfortunately, quality of the infrastructure in the country is far below the standards that are required to cope with the disasters. In this regards, the programme has considered following strategic areas of interventions with aim to increase adaptive capacity and resilience of the vulnerable communities to climate change, mitigate the effect of climate change and reduce risk from disaster. The strategies include; Climate smart agriculture technologies Alternative energy technologies (ICS, Biogas, solar etc.) for reduce emission, Climate change mitigation through afforestation, reforestation and land restoration, Develop and implement climate change adaptation plan, Develop and implement disaster risk reduction preparedness plan including early warning system and Disaster response.